New projects


DAV School, Pallikaranai

For the last half century, the DAV model of education has made it possible for the Institution to provide quality education at affordable costs thanks to Capital expenses being met by generous well-wishers. The operating costs of the schools alone are met through fees.

Today, over 16000 children are benefitted every year across the DAV Group of Schools, Chennai and yet our application to admission ratio is 3:1. We have to turn away nearly 70% of the children who apply every year

This statistic can be improved with your support. Together, we can touch more lives.

Help construct the future…


Lead Architect – Mr Rama Nayak (FBA Consulting India) has 15 years of experience at L&T and his work across institutional, residential and industrial projects has won him state recognition and other prestigious awards 

What your contribution will enable

Upto 5 Lakhs

Furniture & Computers

5 – 10 Lakhs

Classrooms, Staff rooms, Drinking water systems

10-50 Lakhs

Sports facilities, Laboratories, Library, Multipurpose halls, Toilet blocks

50 Lakhs – 1 Crore

Corridors, Solar power system, Computer labs

Above 1 Crore

Classrooms, Staff rooms, Drinking water systems

Total Capex required (For construction, furnitures, fixtures,equipment and other internals) – 60 crores
For contributions of Rs 5 Lakhs and above, Donors will be recognised with plaques
Donations are eligible for CSR certification and tax exempt under 80G

If you are interested in contributing to the cause, please fill in the Expression of Interest form
or contact Mr Balaji, (Chief Operating Officer) +91- 80561 18340 |

Pallikaranai Project Progress

12th August, 2021

28th April, 2021

8th May, 2021