
The DAV Group is an embodiment of the Dayanand Anglo-Vedic movement that began in Lahore in the year 1886. It was inspired by Swami Dayanand Saraswati, the founder of Arya Samaj and its core aim was to build a knowledge-driven society based on Vedic principles.

In the year 1970, the seeds of the DAV movement were sown in Chennai by dedicated visionaries, supported by a large community of well-wishers who generously contributed funds and resources for building schools under the auspices of Arya Samaj Seva Foundation (ASSF) formerly known as Tamil Nadu Arya Samaj Educational Society (TNAES). Thanks to all of them, capital expenses of land and other infrastructure were met and the DAV model of affordable quality education was born in Chennai.

The strong value system laid down by the key pillars, notably Lala Indersain ji, Shri Satyadev ji, Shri Jaidev ji, Shri Balakrishna Joshi ji, Shri Ram Kalia ji, Shri Surendra Kumar ji, Shri VN Bajaj ji, Shri Balakishan Goenka ji, Shri DC Malhotra ji and Shri SD Nangia ji continues to direct and inspire the next generations through a service-oriented Board and management who work on a honorary basis.

Lala Indersain ji

Shri Satyadev ji

Shri Jaidev ji

Shri Balakrishna Joshi ji

Shri Ram Kalia ji

Shri Surendra Kumar ji

Shri VN Bajaj ji

Shri Balakishan Goenka ji

Shri DC Malhotra ji

Shri SD Nangia ji