While children eagerly look forward to celebrating their birthday, it is also an occasion for spiritual introspection and development of the self.
We request parents and children to include performing ‘Agnihotra’ (includes a short-guided meditation session) an integral part of the birthday celebration. In case you are unable to perform Agnihotra and on that particular day, you could choose an alternate day within the same week.
Parents, Grandparents, family and friends are also invited to join the Agnihotra and bless the child. It is these solemn occasions that indeed create saatvik ‘Samskaars’ on the child.
Post booking, if you are unable to attend the Agnihotra due to any reason, kindly cancel / reschedule your booking online. In case of any change in schedule at our end due to any unforeseen circumstance, you will be given prior intimation